The Megalodon (Carcharocles megalodon) is or was a giant shark which was classified in the same genus as the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), but nowadays classified in its own genus. Thus, those two big predatory fish only share their family of the mackerel sharks (Lamnidae). Its existence is dated back to the time of the Miocene until the end of Pliocene. At this time, it seemed to be globally spread, as one can find the tooth worldwide. Only by their teeth one can make estimations about the size of the former biggest predatory fish. Thus, the former size of the sharks is estimated of about 12 to 18 meters. This is approximately two and a half times the size of a white shark. The force of a bite have been computer simulated and is estimated to 180 kN, which is 10 times higher than the white sharks bite.
Pretended proofs of its survival are teeth that are white, like a fresh shark tooth. Usually, those fossilized teeth are grayish or brownish. But most proofs were confirmed to be a fake or their origin was tracked back to special sedimentations which geo-chemical composition prevented the discoloring of the teeth. Some pictures have been debunked as simple processed images.
Even though the deep sea on our small globe is only very little explored and there are probably some secrets kept, the survival of these giant sharks is just very unlikely and there is no confirmed proof.
- G. Wegner, R. Hofrichter, F. Anderle: Räuber: Monster, Menschenfresser - 99 Unwahrheiten über Haie, Kosmos
- D. A. Evert, S. Fowler and L. Compagno: Sharks of the World, Wild Nature Press
- C. Pimiento, C. F. Clements: When Did Carcharocles megalodon Become Extinct? A New Analysis of the Fossil Record, PLOS ONE, 2014
- C. Pimiento, D.J. Ehret, B.J. MacFadden, G. Hubbell: Ancient Nursery Area for the Extinct Giant Shark Megalodon from the Miocene of Panama, PLoS ONE, 2010
- G.S. Morgan: Whiter the giant white shark? A newsletter of paleontology, 1994
- S. Wroe, D.R. Huber, M. Lowry, C. McHenry, K. Moreno, P. Clausen, T.L. Ferrara, E. Cunningham, M.N. Dean, A.P. Summers: Three-dimensional computer analysis of white shark jaw mechanics: how hard can a great white bite? Journal of Zoology, 2008
- Picture: Max Pixel